
June 13, 2012

Labor of Love

As I was perusing Curly Nikki, I came across her NBC segment on MHP on how society views natural curly hair and how we curly head hair owners often perpetuate negative views of curly natural hair. The stigmas of natural hair being ugly, nappy, annoying, something to get rid of, inconvenient are planted in our heads at a very young age. Think about it. Do you have fond memories of your hair getting styled, braided, hot combed, relaxed?

During the moments I imagine and dream what my children will look like, I pray and hope my husband (another dream) and I will be good parents. I pray that our children will grow up being self-confident, believe they are beautifully and wonderfully made, and are strong enough to combat the harshness society deals at times. I would love them to believe they are the best in the world and that our love is unconditional. I would love my children to grow up loving their hair and body the way God made and intended them to be. I would love them to embrace the uniqueness and versatility their hair will bring and that caring for it is a labor of love.

Here is a homage to my future children and other parents out there who promote labor of love.

Clink on the links below for inspiring stories

Daddy's Little Girl/Mirror On America


Chocolate Hair Vanilla Care

Beads Braids and Beyond

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