Hello there foodie. I don't know about you but I get really frustrated during winter when I cannot get fresh, tasty, juicy fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Grocery store produce during that time tastes watery and bland to me. At the same time, trying to to eat healthy can be quite expensive especially when I add "organic" into the mix. So over the years I have been searching for alternatives without having to burn a hole in my pocket.
Welcome farmer's markets and farm picking!!!!
Purchasing fresh vegetables from local farmer's markets has been such a joy and pleasure. This summer I also picked fresh fruits from several farms in the area. Let me tell you, there
is nothing like eating fresh fruit directly from the tree. It gives me a sense of awareness of what is going into body and I feel great!! (See why here Natural/Organic Fever). I feel like
the grocery stores have been ripping me off and keeping me away from the
sweet delicacies.
At my last farmer's market haul, I went all crazy and bought quite a bit of fresh herbs (cilantro, dill, tarragon). I soaked the cilantro and dill with the other purchases in a vinegar/water solution.